Who Says No One Writes Letters Anymore? A Guide to Handwriting Personal Notes Starting with a Letter to Your Hero
Do you remember when you wrote your first letter?
I do. I was eleven years old and received a diary for my birthday. My memory fails me sometimes, so I am certain I wrote letters before my cherished diary landed in my lap.
This diary was everything to me. I wrote letters to my mother, my best friend and especially to my heroes, Diana Ross, because I wanted to play the role of Dorothy in ‘The Wiz,’ and Levar Burton, because I had just seen “Roots,” and hoped he had been released from all the pain he suffered.
My love for Matt Dillon and Leif Garret would soon follow and so would letters of my undying love to them.
"Who says no one writes letters anymore?" Is letter writing a dying art since email, texting and phones have come along? I don’t think so. But if you do, then let’s revive this lost art.
The other day I saw one of my favorite BTS influencers write a heartfelt letter of gratitude to BTS. It was cool. He even read it on his show. Which made me think it would be cool to write a letter to my favorite hero.
In the past I have written letters to my younger self, God, famous writers who served as my mentors and of course loved ones. Now, feeling inspired by j-hope’s “Hope on the Street,” and his return from the military, I feel compelled to write him a thank you note.
Why Write by Hand?
For me the benefits from writing by hand are simple. We remember more when we write it down. My hand muscles are being used in ways they are not used when typing and a hand-written letter looks beautiful.
We are somehow more emotionally connected to a hand-written letter than one typed. Handwriting improves your focus, and as I mentioned enhances our memory.
How do you feel when you receive a hand-written letter? Grateful, right? I think to myself, how sweet of them to take the time out of their day to write me a personal note. Those notes stay with us a lifetime.
The Power of a Personal Note
What letter has made a lasting impression on you?
Letters from famous people, like Martin Luther King, Jr’s, “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” ended up in a book reinforcing the need for public demonstrations against segregation.
Writing to someone you admire or consider a mentor can inspire you to reach your life goals and more. Whether you write a fictional hero, a celebrity, or someone you know, both of your lives will reap the reward of sharing an emotional and thoughtful bond.
If you need guidance or direction in your efforts as I have heard many people do, I have a solution for you. An upcoming free workshop, where participants will get a step-by-step guide to writing their first letter.
How to Start Writing Your First Letter
How to start writing a letter, especially to a personal hero or someone near and dear to you requires thought and proper planning. Because writers like me tend to ramble and my letter to j-hope has to be one for the ages.
Let me offer you a few tips.
- Choose Your Topic – It is very important to have a clear message. I am just writing to say ‘Hello’ or ‘Thank You’ won’t do.
- What Do You Want to Say? – What do you want to express, include a personal story of why you admire them.
- Personalization Matters – Emphasize your handwriting to make the message heartfelt.
- Formatting is Everything – The greeting, body, closing takes work along with keeping it conversational.
- Personal Touches – Mean everything to the receiver. You can add a quote, a small drawing, or some uniquely you to make the letter truly theirs.
Stay-tuned and subscribe for future updates on our ‘free workshops.’
The Benefits of Writing Letters
Remember there are wonderful long-term benefits from letter-writing as a regular habit:
- You will improve your creativity and your self-expression.
- You will form a deeper connection with others.
- A sense of accomplishment and reflection will embrace you after finishing each letter.
- You will experience reduced stress and mental clarity through the act of writing.
You should consider planning a weekly or monthly letter-writing habit, and share this with close friends and family as a way to reflect, bond, and relax. At Scripted Dreams will be host a weekly writing workshop subscribe to join the fun.
- Our workshops will not only be about letter writing, but also how to tell your stories and how to start any form of storytelling like, essays, novels or screenplays.
This lost art is coming back and sweeping through the world. Get in on the fun and reap the benefits of writing letters by hand before the stack of letters come piling in. Consider writing your first letter to someone who has inspired you, using the tips I suggested. In my free workshop I will be writing to J-Hope, 'Our Hobi' and thanking him for helping me feel alive and like a kid again.
I love to dance.
In my upcoming workshop you'll learn even more about letter writing and its benefits. And if this workshop is in demand, then a cursive writing workshop and workbook is right around the corner. Stay-tuned, healthy, inspired and always thriving.
Who will you write your first letter to?
As always,
Thanks for stopping by,
References on the Benefits of Writing by Hand:
- Psychology Today: Discusses the cognitive and emotional benefits of handwriting
- The New York Times: Article on how handwriting can boost learning and creativity
- Healthline: Covers the mindfulness and mental health benefits of journaling and handwriting
Letter to A Hero